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All You Need to Know about Critical Care Insurance by UnitedHealthcare

All You Need to Know about Critical Care Insurance by UnitedHealthcare

It is estimated that more than 85% of the population in the country have access to some form of healthcare insurance, either through their employer or through private insurance providers. Most of these are primary healthcare insurance offerings which include reimbursement of your medical and hospitalization expenses. There is a range of individual and family healthcare plans based on the size of ...

Popular Individual Insurance Plans Offered by UnitedHealthcare

Popular Individual Insurance Plans Offered by UnitedHealthcare

Around nine out of ten individuals would state reliable healthcare as being a priority in their lives. We have noticed that healthcare costs, despite major discoveries and scientific advancements, are not getting any cheaper. It is, therefore, not surprising, that every family earmarks a portion of their income for healthcare. With healthcare costs becoming prohibitive, not all families can afford...

Foods to Eat and Avoid for IBS

Foods to Eat and Avoid for IBS

IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a gastrointestinal disorder that leads to the manifestation of symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and pain. The exact cause of IBS is not yet known, but the condition leads to changes in bowel habits, constipation, urgent need to defecate, and a feeling that the bowel does not empty completely. One of the most important points to consider ...

Top Foods for Arthritis Patients to Have and Avoid

Top Foods for Arthritis Patients to Have and Avoid

A healthy diet that is focused on improving arthritis not only improves specific symptoms of arthritis but also helps in the overall wellbeing of the patient. This diet helps a person to reduce weight, reduce blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol levels. They are then at lesser risk of being affected by many cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Including food items that are a rich source of Calciu...

Foods That Should and Should Not Be Eaten by Diabetics

Foods That Should and Should Not Be Eaten by Diabetics

When you have been diagnosed with diabetes, the first thing that almost anyone ever recommends or even utters to you is to control your food. Diabetes is one condition that is directly related to the food you eat. While you may be following a balanced diet, you always need to ensure that what you are eating is indeed right for you. Having certain food for diabetes can end up wreaking havoc in the ...

Diets to Follow for IBS

Diets to Follow for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, leads to constant changes in bowel movements. While some individuals suffer from constipation, others experience diarrhea. This may be accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, leading to difficulties in everyday life. Medical intervention is of utmost importance for IBS to help one deal with the symptoms, but some diets can also help manage the symptoms by avoidi...

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